
Let’s talk about motivation today!

This thing is so insidious. It may appear, then suddenly disappear. It may be either positive or negative.

Yet if you are an athlete, you should always work hard to achieve your goals.

There’s good news, you can always rely on discipline!

It will help you in any uncertain situation.

If you are disciplined, you will never miss practice, no matter what your mood is or how weather looks like outside.

You will always find time to do your homework, resist a sweet treat and do your best at every practice thanks to discipline.

The greatest paradox of discipline is that one needs a lot of discipline to become disciplined with time. It is the main trait you develop while being an athlete and it is the main trait an athlete needs to achieve big results.

So while one is looking for motivation and inspiration, another one is making progress and succeeds relying on discipline alone.

There’s another great thing about discipline. You can develop it.

You can use stickers, draw a board or use any other creative way to mark what your kid achieved without breaking rules of discipline. Just make sure to be demanding and consistent.

And don’t forget to encourage! You will be pleasantly surprised when you see what magic praise & complimenting can create.

I personally have a journal for my 5-year old daughter where I give her stickers for all the tasks done and fulfilled successfully. It is not just for her success in gymnastics, it also includes math, reading, writing, piano classes. And after a certain amount of collected stickers we go to a store to pick a gift.